Format: Region 1 DVD, NTSC, Japanese Dialogue with optional English dub and English Subtitles
Length: 3 Episodes x 25 minutes
Production Date: 2007
Currently in Print (as of writing): Yes
A decade after the original “Aika” OVA series, somebody in Studio Fantasia or Bandai Visual had the bright idea of resurrecting the franchise. I always thought it was odd that this show was never made into a TV series, though I guess “Najica” was the “Aika” TV series as such. Look, I completely understand why the panty shot had become a rather “normal” part of sexuality within anime and manga (why don’t the fundies realise that censorship has many unintended consequences?). But fuck me, it’s all rather infantile isn’t it? Looking up girls’ skirts is something that primary school boys do. While the panty flashing overkill nonsense was rather, uh, novel when the original series was released, now it’s dime a dozen and it looks really, really tired.
Add in a really, really lame story and plot. When I saw that this OVA was a prequel to the original, I had visions of Aika’s early adventures. That’d be cool I thought. However the reality was very different. The possibilities for this show are endless, but instead of a high octane adventure by salvagers on the high seas, we are treated to a tepid, clichéd high school comedy with club day trip. It’s the same old tired shit; Aika doesn’t get along with the rich girl, they fight, there’s a teacher who despises Aika, there’s an assortment of tropes as the other girls etc. There’s not one ounce of originality anywhere in the screen play. It’s just dull, dull, dull from start to finish.
The only think positive I can say about this OVA series is that it is competently and slickly animated and produced. Noticed I said competent, not well animated. Sure it doesn’t look awful and surprisingly is always on model, but it is just bland. I think this mostly due to the very, very dull cinematography. Other problems with the show including the gaping holes in the plot and just the stupid nonsensical nature of the story. The “evil” female teacher from the school whom I’m assuming is meant to be chaperoning the girls on their trip, walks around in lingerie while executing her plan to abduct one of the students. And then she returns to school at the end of the series like nothing happened. It’s like the screenwriters assumed the audience had no ability to critically think and had the IQ of a walnut. There is a follow up OVA series called “Aika Zero” which Bandai didn’t acquire for R1 release. Seriously I don’t give a shit if I never see it. Well the series may explain some of the (lame) unanswered questions in this OVA but, whatever. I’d prefer Bandai release the couple of “Stratos 4” OVAs that haven’t got an English release yet. 4 out of 10.
Remaining Backlog: 24 months (it's much easier this way than listing the number of discs).
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