I (re)discovered Japanese animation after seeing some rental tapes of “Star Blazers” in 1995, and I soon began renting some of the Manga Entertainment titles. Then I started buying them. A little soon after, I was told about the Canberra Anime Society (CAS) by a flatmate in 1996 or so. There were playing Patlabor TV episodes, and I liked the movies, so I went along. The club’s first screening was on 14 January 1995 in Green Room of Arscott House in University of Canberra (UC) (that screening had “Record of Lodoss War”, “Dirty Pair Flash”, the first “Silent Mobius” movie, a couple of “Kimagure Orange Road” OVAs and the seventh OVA of “Bubblegum Crisis”). Originally run by David Geeves, Bruce Buckham, and Peter Kirby, somewhere along the line there were enough people coming along to screenings that they had taken over a much larger venue, the small theatre in “the Hub” of UC. It wasn’t your typical uni club. In fact all three running the show had no affiliations with the uni as far as I was aware. The deal was there was no membership as such, you just paid your four dollars for about four and a half hours of screenings held every three weeks.
Initially I did find the club to be intimidating. Well, David at least. I remembered asking where I could buy fansubs and was flatly told that “You can’t buy them”. That was it, no explanation of how to obtain them or anything. Luckily those who went to the club were a lot friendlier and easy going than those who ran it. Over the next couple of years, things plugged along nicely at the club. Then Peter left. I got the feeling from what happened it wasn’t amicable. It seems that Peter was the main source of tapes and that was soon apparent as the quality of screenings became crappier and crappier. One screening included a dubbed version of one of the “Fatal Fury” OVAs which was mildly heckled at one point in the screening. Somewhere along the line, I managed to become chummy with Bruce and Dave by trading fansubs and tapes, and I ended up giving them stuff to play, out of complete pity at their worsening schedules.

So as of the 20 June 1998 screening, we took over running the club. I really don’t how I survived this period. At the time I had undiagnosed severe depression (which had begun three years earlier) and undiagnosed aspergers syndrome. While at times it was rather tense, I can’t say it wasn’t fun. I made a few friendships, but unfortunately most of those have dissolved over the years. Most of 1998 went pretty well. We were always in the black, mostly due to the fact the ANU club wasn’t playing anything of real note and we already had a following. Plus I’d managed to get some rare stuff through trades. We were always well in the black financially. Dave lent us his subbed copy of “Princess Momonoke” which went down a treat. It still hadn’t had any sort of commercial English release at that point. We continued on into 1999 with a screening of the two “Evangelion” films (we were the first club in Australia to play them), but Nathan had had enough and decided he’d had enough and left. He eventually studied Japanese and Cantonese and got a job in southern prefecture council in Japan translating stuff into English.
I kept the club going through 1999, but the screenings happened semi-regularly (about every 8 weeks) rather than at the usual three week intervals. I found it hard to find material that was good and we hadn’t played. Also Madman had appeared on the scene and ramped up their release schedule. After a drought of anime brought on by video company Siren’s mishandling of the Manga Entertainment label, suddenly anime was becoming more accessible. But there were several tipping points which made me rethink running the club. First, the time when I played “Perfect Blue” and one of the patrons laughed during the rape scene. I was also getting some minor complaints from some patrons who didn’t like some of the material I was playing. On the last screening in 1999, I got at least one complaint for every title I played, including “Cowboy Bebop”. At this point I really wondered why I was doing this. The final nail in the coffin was the fact that one of the last bills I got from the university had skyrocketed by 40%. I talked them down to the normal fee as I had absolutely no warning of the price hike, but it did shit me. Considering the fact the theatre was a little rough around the edges, to say the least.

There were two other anime clubs operating in the early to mid ‘00’s; the ANU Magical Girl Club (yes, they mostly only played magical girl anime), and the rather schizophrenic UCU J-Pop Culture Club (University of Canberra club). The only one that is operating today is ANUAS. I guess the internet and the general availability of anime has killed off clubs to a great degree. Bit of a shame really. In the end I sort of enjoyed my period running a club and participating with other clubs. However a lot things really shat me, the politics that sometimes sprout out of these situations as well as some of the weirdness dealing with the public (some of those people are definitely on the fringes of society). It’s funny though, I probably wouldn’t say no to doing it again. But only if I was 20 again and it was 1995. I do think it’s a bit of a shame that lot of modern day anime fans (mostly in the younger generations) won’t get to experience anime clubs.